Basically, the secret of leather bag preservation is the same as that of shoes. It must have a rest space and frequent maintenance, especially considering personal needs and tastes. There are different leather bag collocations at any time in exchange for longer usability. Generally speaking, the handbag you just bought should be rubbed with clean hands first. As long as you use proper body temperature and grease, and rub gently with your hands, you can make small wrinkles and even small scars disappear. In addition, for normal use, it is better to use maintenance oil at any time to extend the service life. As for the use of maintenance oil, you can use general leather maintenance fluid (sold on the market), but it should be noted that due to the different leather, it is better to ask about the leather before using it, and then apply the maintenance fluid to the bottom or inside of the leather bag and other unpleasant places to test whether it can be applied.
The best way to clean and maintain ordinary leather is to remove the dust first, and then remove the dirt and wrinkles with special cleaning oil. Secondly, dip the special oil of the leather bag on the cloth, lightly apply it on the leather bag, and then rub the cloth on the leather bag with force, but do not apply too much detergent, so as not to fade the leather bag or contaminate the clothes. For leather bags to be collected after the season, the leather surface shall be cleaned before collection, and the leather pieces shall be placed in a cool place for air drying first. The leather bags shall be put into clean paper scraps or cotton shirts to keep the shape of the leather bags. The old newspapers shall be put into the inner layer to avoid mildew, but camphor pills or other smelly things shall not be put together. Then put the leather bag into the soft cotton bag and store it in the cabinet, and avoid improper extrusion. Collection of leather products in the cabinet must maintain good ventilation, such as a shutter door cabinet is better. At the same time, it's better not to put too many things in the cabinet. The natural oil of leather itself will gradually reduce with time or too many times of use, so even very high-grade leather items need regular maintenance. It is recommended that you clean the leather products before storing them. General leather products had better be treated with leather care oil first. It is to apply the oil on the clean cotton cloth, and then wipe the surface evenly to avoid directly applying the oil on the leather to avoid damaging the leather. If the suede products are polluted, they can be wiped off directly with an eraser, and the soft brush can be brushed along the direction of the hair during maintenance.
The natural leather is mainly affected by wind and sun, dust pollution, rain and so on. The maintenance methods after the leather becomes hard and the color fades are as follows:
The maintenance method is to wipe the water and dirt on the leather with a dry towel, clean it with the leather cleaner, and then brush a layer of leather brightener. This will keep the leather soft and comfortable all the time. Please do not overload the leather to avoid the damage caused by friction with rough and sharp objects. Do not expose to the sun, bake or squeeze on the fire, and do not get close to inflammables. Accessories should not be damp or close to acidic objects. Please often use soft cloth to wipe to avoid scratches, dirt and deterioration. The leather has strong absorptivity, so we should pay attention to antifouling, especially for high-grade sanded leather. If there is any stain on the leather, wipe it with a clean, wet cotton cloth with a warm detergent and let it dry naturally. You can try it in an inconspicuous corner before use. Leather wrinkle, can be ironed with iron, the temperature can be controlled between 60-70 ℃. When ironing, use the muslin cloth as the lining, and move the iron constantly. The leather loses luster, may use the leather polish to polish, must not use the leather shoes oil to wipe. In general, once a year or two, it can keep the softness and luster of leather and prolong the service life. It's better to use the leather frequently and wipe it with a fine flannelette. In case of rain, damp or mildew, use soft dry cloth to wipe away water stains or mildew. If there is any drink on the leather, it should be dried immediately with a clean cloth or sponge, and wiped with a wet cloth to let it dry naturally. Do not use a hair dryer to dry it. If it is stained with grease, it can be wiped clean with a dry cloth. The rest can be dissipated naturally, or cleaned with detergent. It can also be lightened with talcum powder and chalk dust. It must not be wiped with water. If the leather is torn or damaged, please ask professional personnel to repair it in time. If it is a small crack, can be in the crack Xu point egg white, cracks can be bonded. Leather should not be baked or exposed to the sun directly, which will cause the leather to deform, dry and fade. Leather products should be wiped with leather maintenance solution. However, it should be noted that there are differences due to the different cortex. When using it, it is better to ask the cortex clearly, and then apply the maintenance solution to the bottom of the bag or the inner side of the bag to test whether it can be applied. Smooth skin is to show the original flavor. It is better to use its special ointment. In case of dirt, you can use a wet towel to carefully remove the suede (deerskin, anti fur, etc.) when the leather is suede, use a soft animal brush to remove it. Usually, this kind of leather is not easy to remove due to the spread of oil, so it's best to keep away from accessories such as chewing gum or candy. When removing this kind of leather, you must brush it gently to prevent too much force from whitening the leather bag and leaving traces. As the paint skin is easy to crack, it must be used with special care. Usually, it can only be wiped with a soft cloth like a handkerchief. If there are cracks in the leather, you can use a cloth to dip a little special grease, and then gently wipe.